A Season Of Season Twos In Indian Streaming Platforms

Radhika Bhirani for Zenger News --rbhirani@gmail.com Of the 40-plus titles that global video streaming giant Netflix has announced for its grand 2021 line-up in India, as many as nine are new seasons of existing shows. It may be common in the United States, but for India, the number is representative of the content creation, production, and consumption revolution sparked by the emergence and proliferation of the streaming world. Avid Indian watchers of American and British content are aware of and accustomed to the season format where a set of new episodes of a show are launched at intervals. Shows like “The Simpsons”, “Friends”, “The Sopranos”, “24”, “Modern Family”, “House of Cards”, “The Crown”, and “Game of Thrones” to name a few, in fact, have a huge fan following. There was a phase, especially post 2010, when Indian television experimented with season-based series in the fiction space. “Few and far attempts were made, but the TV was never really a comfortable environment for the ...