Good Morning, what's flowering today?

Radhika Bhirani -- -- In between the barrage of Whatsapp sermons wishing a 'good morning', photographs from the family members' personal gardens are a soothing wake-up sight for sleepy eyes every morning... errrrr.... for some! Shades of green bring serenity to a mind clouded by the complexities of life. And the pops of pink, purple, peach, red, orange and yellow pep up the heart with a hope of a better today and tomorrows. What green fingers my lovely family and their gardeners have! On days there were even pictures of pumpkins and strawberries from my mother's terrace garden, or guavas, tomatoes, brinjals, bottle guards and more from my aunts' and uncles' gardens, all signifying new life at a time when death talk filled the social media space. Flowers, I have realised especially since the lockdown saga happened to life in 2020, have a real effect on mood and on life. For me, a pink bougainvillea plant ...