Do you promise yourself to exercise every day, and don’t?

Radhika Bhirani -- -- It’s an everyday story. I promise myself to put on my walking shoes and go for a 45-minute evening walk every day. It seems like a mission. And that’s where it remains -a promise unfulfilled, a mission unaccomplished. Social media has been feeding me a heavy dose of fat-to-fit and flab-to-fab posts... In the real world, it’s more about flab-to-flabbier! Masaba Gupta’s shrunken waistline and Smriti Irani’s body transformations were motivation enough to move my ass, literally. “When they can do it, I can do it too” is a moment that lasts in my head momentarily. Then the hardwired brain says, “I will do it tomorrow”. That tomorrow rarely comes. Briefly, for a month between the Covid-19 waves last year, I made a routine of walking every day, coupling it with well-timed, well-balanced meals with adequate water. I lost 4 kg. The very visible result was there for all to see. But more importantly, for me to look into the mirror and tell myself, “This mu...