Why Irrfan Khan found social media 'wahiyaad'

Radhika Bhirani -- rbhirani@gmail.com -- Irrfan Khan was a deep thinker, a reservoir of thoughts... thoughts worth thinking about, thoughts worth sharing. There was beauty in the simplicity he found in complexities and expressed what he truly felt. And in that sense, I would always remember him as an interviewer's delight who left you with more than you would ask for. One of my conversations with the actor struck me particularly as I scrolled through some memories. Over the years and after experiencing controversies around some of his films or remarks, Irrfan admitted he had become very careful about what he would say. He also resented not having a place to express or say what he wanted to. Social media, he felt, wasn't best suited either. "Social media is 'wahiyaad'," he told me in his inimitable style, one that I can almost hear as I type. Explaining why, he shared, "One feels that the Internet exposes you to different things in life. But it...